Hi Friends!
As life starts to return to normal (our new normal, I suppose) I wanted to stop in and share a few words! Firstly, I am ecstatic that 'Primal Instincts' was released this month. While it wasn't the career-launching book I was hoping for, I am still proud of the story. But, rather than dwell on the negative, I decided to jump knee-deep into my next project; a book I've been thinking about writing since 2017! Over three-years have passed since I had the basic story concept for 'Beyond' and that time has been used well. Other projects came up, and I wrote those. I let 'Beyond' ferment for a while, grow on me. I let the characters come to life in the back of my imagination.
With the so-so response of 'Primal Instincts', I knew it was time to return to my dystopian roots. I am having a BLAST writing this new book. It's everything I enjoy writing: mystery, a twisted villain, conspiracy, and adventure all wrapped up into one. But, with this one, I'm also adding a Sci-Fi twist which is new for me. When I say Sci-Fi, I don't mean shapeshifters--I mean "aliens" and outer space. If this book does well, I have plans for a sequel. If it doesn't, well, I'll probably still write the sequel because it's so much fun.
I have a busy summer ahead for me. I'm hoping to release a total of four books before I take a late summer, early-fall break. With 'Primal Instincts' being my first book of 2020, I have three more, including 'Beyond' to be released at the end of June. The others will be announced at a later time. I'll give you some hints, though! One involves magic, another a family of vampire hunters, and the last is likely going to be set post-apocalypse.
I've received a few reader questions via social media about the future of my 'Immortals Saga' which began with 'Awakening' back in 2018. I will be working on the sequel, 'Destiny' at some point soon. I am unsatisfied, however, with how I ended 'Awakening' so there may be a slight re-tooling in the works. It's a bit more complex than me writing a brand new book, so please be patient, but I will get you back to vampire, James, before you know it! Other readers have asked about a possible sequel to 'The Voting Legacy', and like 'Awakening', I do have something in mind; however, it's not a major priority. I think book two ends with a solid enough ending that it could be fully complete, but it does leave a door open. Doors are good for a writer!
Anyways, I hope you'll stay posted with the progress of 'Beyond' via social media. When the pre-order goes live, I'll be sure to share. Until then, stay well, stay healthy, and stay safe!